sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011

Desafio Fall Into Reading 2011

ATTENTION: This post will be written in Portuguese and English.

Participei neste desafio no ano passado e gostei bastante, por isso vou voltar a participar este ano. É organizado pelo blog Callapidder Days, e consiste, basicamente, em ler no Outono (de 23 de Setembro a 21 de Dezembro). Se mais alguém quiser participar, pode consultar as regras e inscrever-se.

Este ano vou aproveitar este desafio para tentar terminar os restantes desafios em que me inscrevi em 2011. Tal como pedem as regras, aqui fica a lista de livros que pretendo ler:
Bag of Bones, de Stephen King (terminar) - terminado
Rapariga Com Brinco de Pérola, de Tracy Chevalier - terminado
À Beira do Abismo, de Raymond Chandler
O Misterioso Caso de Styles, de Agatha Christie - terminado
Ricochete, de Sandra Brown
O Mago: Mestre, de Raymond Feist
Esta lista é apenas provisória e poderá ser alterada ao longo do desafio.

E pronto, acho que é só isto. Ainda vão a tempo de se inscreverem e, caso o façam, indiquem aqui nos comentários.

I participated in this challenge last year and enjoyed it very much, so I'm participating again this year. It's hosted by Callapidder Days and it consists, basicaly of reading in the Fall (September 23nd, through December 21th). If you're interested in participating, here are the rules, just sign in.

This year I'm gonna use this challenge to finish the other challenges I've sign up for in 2011. As stated by the rules, here is the list of books I plan to read:
Bag of Bones, de Stephen King (finish) - finished
Girl with a Pearl Earring, by Tracy Chevalier - finished
The Big Sleep, by Raymond Chandler
The Mysterious Affair at Styles, by Agatha Christie - finished
Ricochet, by Sandra Brown
Magician: Master, by Raymond Feist
This list can be altered throughout the challenge.

3 comentários:

  1. My list is a combo of review books and books that will help me complete the other reading challenges I am participating in, too.

    I've heard good things about the Tracy Chevalier book.

    Good luck!

  2. We're both reading some Agatha Christie this fall. :) So glad you're joining us again for Fall Into Reading 2011!

  3. Girl with a Pearl Earring is on my wish list. Maybe I'll get it for Christmas. Have fun with your reading!
