sexta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2012

Theme Thursday - Novo

Theme Thursdays é uma rubrica semanal, que funciona de quinta a quinta, organizada pela kavyen do blog Reading between Pages.

Todos podem participar! Estas são as regras:
  • Um tema será colocado online todas as semanas (à quinta)
  • Pegar no livro que estamos a ler e escolher uma conversa/fragmento/frase
  • Mencionar o autor e o título do livro no post
  • É importante que o tema seja mencionado na frase (embora esta não tenha, necessariamente, de conter a palavra)

O tema desta semana é - NOVO

"O rapaz alto da jaqueta espreitou pela fresta, rosto pálido e tenso, e assim que me viu fechou rapidamente a porta. Ainda vi atrás dele, no chão, uma quantidade de caixotes de madeira forrados com jornais e cheios de livros que um homem de fato-macaco novinho em folha, arrumava."

~ p. 50, “À Beira do Abismo" de Ray­mond Chan­dler

6 comentários:

  1. The original:
    "The tall dark handsome boy in the jerkin looked out, pale-faced and tightlipped, saw me, shut the door quickly again, but not before I had seen on the floor behind him a lot of wooden boxes lined with newspapers and packed loosely with books. A man in very new overalls was fussing with them."

  2. Hi there, are you Landslide from Book and Reader by any chance..... New follower :)

  3. hmmm...intriguing. the cover also piques my interest! :) I'm also going to participate in the "cruisin through the cozies" challenge, going to have to check out the mystery and suspense one too.

  4. Hi scribeswindow! Yeap, it's me! Thanks for following.

    Hi readwatchrelax, I also love the cover!

    Thank you both for visiting!

  5. Are they moving? Boxes always remind me of the amount of packing I had to do when I moved last year.. Uff!!!
    Happy New Year.. always fun to visit your blog.

  6. Nope, they're just moving the books.
    Thank you so much kavyen! Happy New Year to you too!
