segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2016

Bout of Books 17 - Day 1

Bout of Books

DAY 1 - Monday, August 22th

Pages read: 35
     35 pages of Wicked Lord of Thessaly by Rachael Slate

Total pages read: 35
     35 pages of Wicked Lord of Thessaly by Rachael Slate

∞ Writing My Own Fairy Tale -- Book to Movie Adaptation
We’re focusing on the exciting/dreaded book-to-movie adaptations with this challenge! 
It’s super easy. All I need you to do is share with us your favorite book-to-movie adaptation and your least favorite book-to-movie adaptation. You can give reasons for your answers or just names, it’s really up to you how much you share.
I don't know if it's my favorite, but I absolutely loved this one:

And again, not sure if it's my least favorite one, but it was the one that immediately came to mind:

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