sábado, 31 de outubro de 2015



In her dreams, a ghost demands to be heard...

Trisha Eaton has been plagued by mysterious nightmares ever since her parents adopted her as a young girl. She chalked them up to childish nuisances until they return-- with a vengeance. Something about the Drake house next door to her family’s apple orchard haunts her. Now, her night terrors and sleepwalking seem to be luring her to something dark. When a series of strange events crops up, Trisha turns to Nick Mackey. As the new deputy in town, Nick just wants to put his traumatic past behind him. An undeniable attraction for Trisha has piqued interest and has him wondering if a shot at a normal life was possible. But Trisha has somehow struck a nerve, and a long-buried secret. A secret that someone they know will kill to keep veiled. Uncovered answers only seem to lead to more questions in a case where nothing makes sense.

One chilling fact remains... some nightmares are all too real.

Re-release date: 10/31/15
The Drake House (romantic suspense/PNR)
ONLY $0.99!!!
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sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015

Geri & Shelly’s Secret Reveal

Geri & Shelly’s Secret Reveal
Oct 30th

Title: Hybrids
Written By: Shelly Morgan & Geri Glenn
ReleaseDate: February 26, 2016
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Cover Design: Wicked By Design

Their mother was the Angel of Protection. Their father was a soldier of the Underground. No one ever thought a demon could love an angel, but when their parents met, it was love at first sight. They fought their attraction until it was too much to take. When God, and the Devil himself, found out about the pregnancy, they fled to protect themselves and their unborn child. But when the pain of labor was over, instead of one baby, there were two; hybrid twins.
Cyrus and Joey are fraternal twins and the product of this forbidden love between ultimate good, and ultimate evil. When their parents are slain immediately following their birth, the twins are given refuge inside of a convent by a kind, but no-nonsense, priest with a penchant for slaying demons. The priest trained the twins from a young age to kill off an entire race that they themselves descend from.
Now, nineteen years later, Cy and Joey leave the convent for the first time to investigate a series of rapes and murder happening at a college campus hours from the only place they’ve ever known or called home. Trying to navigate in this new world of school, parties, and the allure of the opposite sex, the twins quickly learn that being human isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. As they struggle with the feelings that come with falling in love, they both fight a battle from deep within. Will their love be enough? Will their own personal vendettas pull them in the wrong direction? But the question that plagues them most – are they good, or evil?

Shelly Morgan
Shelly is an Iowan girl. She now resides in the town she was born and raised in. Having three children, it’s hard for her to have any down time, but when she finds it, you can find her holed up somewhere reading her next steamy book in a long list of books in her virtual library or writing her next story.
She is the author of the Forsaken Sinners MC series, with her first book being released in February of 2015. Even though this is an MC series, she has plenty more ideas, so look out for more than just biker novels from her in the future.
Shelly became fast friends with Geri before she even released her first book, but through their friendship they both decided to delve into the jar of Paranormal. It’s been a lot of work, but such a ride so far, she’s actually sad to see it end. But she knows that with the end of this book, it’s not the end of the journey, it’s just the beginning. She hopes you enjoy it as much as she and Geri enjoyed writing it.


Geri Glenn
Geri is a Canadian girl, born and raised. She’s a military wife, mother of two and devourer of words. She can often be found reading a good book, magazine or any shampoo bottle within reach.
She is the author of the Kings of Korruption MC series, with her first book being released in August of 2015. A sucker for any type of alpha male, Geri refuses to be tied to one genre.
Writing this book with Shelly has been a welcome challenge and a ton of fun. She hopes you love Cyrus and Joey as much as she and Shelly do!


Hosted by Obsessive Pimpettes Promotions


quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2015

segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2015

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (90)

Esta rubrica é uma iniciativa do blogue Book Journey e, no fundo, consiste num apanhado semanal, não só do que estou a ler e do que li na semana que passou, mas também do que publiquei no blogue nessa semana. É possível também que destaque artigos, sempre que algum me chame a atenção.

Esta semana terminei Moon Borne de Rachael Slate e agora estou a ler The Hexed de Heather Graham.


As opiniões continuam em dia! E houve mais umas quantas publicações esta semana:

domingo, 25 de outubro de 2015

Opinião: "Moon Borne"

Autor: Rachael Slate
Série: Halcyon Romance #1
Editor: Auto-publicado
Edição/reimpressão: Outubro de 2015
ISBN: 9780994764898
Páginas: 294
Origem: Oferecido pela autora em troca de uma opinião honesta 

Sinopse: She’ll either enslave his heart…or tear it out.
As an Amazon warrior, a slave is the last thing Kyme would ever willingly become. At least before the slaver Arsenius threatens her sisters. To protect them, she agrees to be his captive and plans to slit his throat the moment she gets the chance. Though she’s determined to hate Arsenius, the unexpected kindness of his touch and the growing passion between them stay her knife. He’s a man so dangerous she just might dare to trust him.

He’s endured every torture, except the one that could actually break him.
For Arsenius, his mission was simple—capture and deliver one of the fiercest Amazon warriors, Kyme. In exchange, he’ll receive the location of the sister he’s spent years searching for. But Kyme’s selfless dedication to the goddess Artemis entrances him. Her pure existence is so different from his dark past and the bleak life he now leads. When Kyme becomes master and his heart the slave, nothing will stop Arsenius from failing his mission.

Sometimes, the surest path to freedom is forged in ecstasy…
Possessing Kyme as his slave isn’t enough. Arsenius wants more. When the gods intervene, they’ll risk more than their duty to the past to be together…Yet never has surrender been so sweet.

A minha opinião: Confesso que não estava à espera de gostar tanto deste livro como gostei. Só prova que quando a história é bem escrita, até os pormenores que nos poderiam fazer mais impressão acabam por fazer sentido.

Isto porque Moon Borne começa com o herói, Arsenius, que é um traficante de escravos, a raptar a heroína, Kyme e as suas irmãs Amazonas e a propor-lhe que, se esta aceitar ir com ele pacificamente e ser sua escrava, libertará as outras.  E foi isto que começou por me fazer confusão, porque apesar da Kyme ter planos de se rebelar quando for o tempo certo, não deixa de ser tratada como uma escrava por Arsenius...

Mas é aqui que a autora dá uma volta à história que faz com que o romance faça sentido. É que Arsenius tem um excelente motivo para ter capturado Kyme: se a entregar à pessoa que encomendou o seu rapto, essa pessoa revelar-lhe-á o paradeiro da sua irmã Lena. Arsenius e Lena foram raptados e, enquanto Arsenius se tornou um escravo, nunca mais soube da sua irmã. Sendo um mestiço, filho de Ares com uma humana, Arsenius (nascido Aden) mantinha a aparência, a forma e a força de um rapaz, apesar de ter quase 30 anos, e foi por isso incapaz de proteger Lena. Mas quando a sua mãe (que está morta) lhe enviou o símbolo do relâmpago, através de Hades, ele foi capaz de iniciar a sua transformação (o seu morphos) e tornou-se Arsenius, possante e viril. E, assim, foi capaz de matar os seus donos e tornar-se naquilo que é hoje: um traficante de escravos poderoso, que usa os seus conhecimentos e influência com o único objectivo de encontrar Lena.

Aquilo que Arsenius não podia imaginar quando aceitou a missão é que Kyme fosse a sua companheira (no original mate). O que acontece é que, neste mundo, existe a hipótese de ocorrerem acasalamentos, que acontecem quando um macho conhece a sua companheira e, por mais que tente lutar contra isso, ela tornar-se-á, para sempre, a única mulher para ele, a única com quem poderá acasalar, o que se torna visível com a aparecimento de uma marca, um fino círculo no bíceps esquerdo do macho. Já a fêmea não fica aprisionada ao macho, podendo acasalar com outros machos, todavia, nenhum capaz de lhe proporcionar o prazer que o seu companheiro lhe proporciona.

O problema encontra-se no facto de Kyme ser uma Amazona, espécie exclusivamente feminina e cuja única utilidade para os machos é a procriação. E, como se não bastasse, Kyme é especial, é uma das preferidas de Artemisa (a deusa que as Amazonas louvam) e foi-lhe atribuída uma dádiva de grande poder em troca da entrega total de Kyme à deusa. Na prática isto significa que, enquanto Kyme se mantiver virgem, continuará a ser a favorita da deusa e poderá continuar a usar o seu poder.

Kyme sabe o que está em risco, mas não consegue evitar a intensa atracção que sente por Arsenius. E quando este decide seduzi-la, demonstrando-lhe todas as diferentes formas de receber e proporcionar prazer que lhe permitem manter o hímen intacto, poderá ela virar costas ao macho que aprendeu a gostar e respeitar e voltar à sua vida de solidão rodeada pelas suas irmãs?

Já Arsenius sabe que está perdido, mas está determinado a aproveitar o tempo que tem com Kyme e consola-se com o facto de que no final, quando a perder, talvez isso signifique encontrar a sua irmã. Contudo, à medida que o tempo passa, começa a não haver qualquer dúvida de que nunca mais haverá outra fêmea para ele...

Entretanto, depois de descobrir os motivo que levaram Arsenius a raptá-la, Kyme resolve permanecer com ele e ajudá-lo a encontrar a sua irmã (ao mesmo tempo que descobre a identidade de quem ordenou a sua captura) e vão viver algumas aventuras, lutando juntos, reunindo aliados, e aprofundando o laço que os une. E quando no final é revelado o grande plano, a importância de Kyme e Arsenius enquanto casal torna-se evidente. Se conseguirem sobreviver como um casal, claro está...

Adorei a forma como a autora utiliza a mitologia grega para criar esta história. Adoro o facto de serem as fêmeas as detentoras do poder, mas os machos, apesar de protectores, não são dominadores, a decisão está sempre do lado delas e é respeitada por eles. Adorei os deuses metediços, mas também protectores dos seus favoritos, mas fiquei de certa forma desapontada com Ares, pois podia ter-se interessado mais pelo destino do filho. Mas suspeito que há um motivo para isso que ainda se virá a descobrir num dos próximos livros da série. Espero não estar enganada...

Fico ansiosamente à espera do próximo casal da série, até porque já conhecemos alguns dos próximos machos que serão protagonistas dos próximos livros e eu quero muito conhecer as mulheres que lhes darão volta à cabeça!

Classificação: 4

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015


A man with a deadly past, a woman with a bright future, and the danger closing in on them, eager to destroy them both.

Veronica Forand takes readers on a heart-stopping ride through the world of espionage. If you loved Killing Game by Toni Anderson or Minutes to Kill by Melinda Leigh, you’ll find yourself absorbed and utterly thrilled by TRUE DECEPTIONS.


After his partner was murdered, Simon Dunn was finished with MI6. But the cold, violent world of British intelligence never lets anyone go free. Now Simon has been blackmailed into a new job...with a beautiful new partner who's going to get them both killed. 
Robotics expert Cassie Watson is a newbie field agent with as much sophistication as...well, a pacifist, vegan computer nerd. Now she's abruptly thrust into the cutthroat world of espionage with a partner who is as cold as he is brutally—and brutishly—handsome.
But when their mission is betrayed from the inside, Cassie will be forced to place her life in the hands of the one man who's anything but trustworthy...

Available at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Add TRUE DECEPTIONS to your Goodreads TBR list!

Other Romantic Suspense by Veronica Forand: Untrue Colors

About Veronica Forand:

A Bostonian by birth, Veronica Forand regrettably lost her Boston accent while moving from state to state and country to country. Cleveland probably had the most profound effect on her ability to pronounce the “r” in the word “park.”
She does try to return now and then to visit family and eat long neck clams and lobster. Summers on Cape Cod are also high on the priority list.
Her experience in crime involves time as a court appointed attorney. Eventually, she switched fields to where bigger crimes take place, corporate tax. The allure of spending mornings in her pajamas homeschooling her children and writing fascinating fiction caused her to change careers again. Now that the kids are out of the house (in school), she writes romantic thrillers by day and is the perfect wife and mother at night.

Her experience in romance is limited to one man. Luckily, he’s still finding ways to charm her by taking her on vacations to the south of France, Fiji, and the Green Mountains when time is short. Avid travelers, they love to roam with their kids across continents in pursuit of skiing, scuba diving, and the perfect piece of chocolate.
She’s lived in London, Paris, Geneva, Washington D.C., and the accent destroying city of Cleveland. She currently resides near Philadelphia.

Connect with Veronica: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2015


Happy Book Birthday to Bad Boys Wanted!
Bad Boys Wanted
An erotic romance anthology
Author:  Various
Publisher:  Roane Publishing
Release Date:  October 21, 2015
Keywords:  Erotic, Romance, BDSM, Bondage, Alpha Males, Domination / Submission, Sex Toys
Description:  When they're bad, they're oh so good. This collection of six steamy erotic tales featuring the best of the bad boys is sure to leave you wanting more.

Unrepentant  –  Lila Shaw 
Lucky Lotto winner Amy Burns has had enough of family members begging for handouts. With her millions safely hidden from the general public's knowledge by way of an anonymous trust fund, she's moved west to find a new beginning. She's also found Jazz, a taciturn employee at her gym she can't seem to stay away from.Only problem? He's an ex-convict. Can Amy trust the former thief with her heart, especially after her relentless step-brother discovers her whereabouts and threatens to expose her secret, or might an unrepentant bad boy be the real winning ticket?  
Over the Edge  –  Stella Berkley 
Nothing short of a lobotomy could make Roman King forget Sloane Holliwell—part angel, part devil, and all his. If only she wasn’t the love of his best friend’s life. Even though they’re broken up, Roman would never hurt his brother from another mother that way. Sloane has been self-destructing since her darkest fantasy, Roman, cut her out of his life. When he finds her bruised at a bar, he saves her from yet another boyfriend disaster. But he still won’t claim her despite their obvious attraction. Instead, he offers to teacher her how to be a submissive, so he can find her a master that will take care of her. Once he gets her in the playroom, though, he discovers Sloane is playing games of her own. 
Death’s Angel  –  Kastil Eavenshade 
Four years ago, Constantine lost the only woman he ever loved. Now the incubus is culling the responsible vampire brood's food source. One by one he steals the souls of the blood sucker's familiars to turn the human population against his enemy. Blinded by vengeance, he makes the one mistake that could cost him the retribution he seeks. Half-werewolf, Indira is thrust in the hands of the vampires to maintain peace amongst the clans. Instead of being an ambassador, she becomes a prisoner and forgotten by her pack. When the vampires bring a mysterious man trussed into their dungeons, he stirs something inside long since buried. Sexy and beyond anything she's dealt with, her beating heart yearns to sacrifice her soul for one taste of Constantine. In the throes of revenge, can the light of one angel tame a beast bred in hell? 
Finding Forever  –  Lynn Burke  
Samantha likes to bang a guy’s headboard and take off long before he bangs up her heart. Temptation returns in the form of a Zeus-like, tattooed hunk, the man whose first kiss roused her teenage hormones. His arrival carries the promise for more, but Sam's determination to enjoy a taste--or two--without risking her heart could cost her the chance at finding forever. 
Temptations of the Cage  –  R. Brennan  
While she’s never considered herself a submissive, Katrina Norton has always had a bit of a pain fetish, so when the opportunity to work at one of the city’s most popular BDSM clubs presents itself, she decides it’s the perfect way to indulge her darker desires and earn enough money to pay for the expensive medications her ailing grandmother requires. But when she meets handsome club owner, Damien Michaels, Trina has to remind herself he’s a potential boss, and off limits. Certainly not someone she should be imagining kneeling before and begging for just a taste of what’s hiding beneath his expensive tailored suit. If she could just get her traitorous body to stick to the plan. 
Without Words    Lolly Tova  
Ivy McPhee dreads attending her high school reunion, but she’s willing to brave her childhood tormentors to see the bad boy she sat beside everyday on the school bus. Though they never exchanged a word, a decade later, he still owns her heart, and she’s determined to find out if the connection she felt to him all those years ago was a shared experience. Ollie Ashwood, lead singer of the successful indie band Infraction, is still every inch a trouble maker, but his days of partying and womanizing are over. He’s finally ready to claim the only girl he ever cared enough about not to sweet talk into his arms. Playing a set at his school reunion seems the perfect ploy to draw Ivy out and tell her she’s the woman of his dreams. Any chance of the two alumni discovering the depths of their feelings for one another is shattered by a scheming ex-student. Only revelations about the past can get Ollie and Ivy back on the right track, but Ollie must first persuade Ivy to bear her bully’s teasing long enough to listen.

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