Theme Thursdays é uma rubrica semanal, que funciona de quinta a quinta, organizada pela kavyen do blog Reading between Pages.
- Um tema será colocado online todas as semanas (à quinta)
- Pegar no livro que estamos a ler e escolher uma conversa/fragmento/frase
- Mencionar o autor e o título do livro no post
- É importante que o tema seja mencionado na frase (embora esta não tenha, necessariamente, de conter a palavra)
O tema desta semana é - ÁRVORES
"O jardim de Miss Winter era um verdadeiro puzzle. Para começar, as dimensões eram avassaladoras. Aquilo que, à primeira vista, eu tomara pelos seus limites - a sebe de teixo do outro lado dos canteiros - era apenas uma espécie de muro interior que dividia uma zona da outra. E o jardim estava cheio de divisões dessas. Havia sebes de pilriteiro e alfeneiro e faia, muros de pedra, cobertos de hera, clematites no Inverno e os ramos nus e retorcidos de rosas trepadeiras, e cercas de pranchas de salgueiro ou entrançado."
~ p. 78, “O Décimo Terceiro Conto" de Diane Setterfield
The original:
ResponderEliminar"Miss Winter's garden was something of a puzzle. The sheer size of it was overwhwlming for a start. What I had taken at first sight to be the border of the garden - the hedge of yew on the other side of the formal beds - was only a kind of inner wall that divided one part of the garden from another. And the garden was full of such divisions. There were hedges of hawthorne and privet and copper beech, stone walls covered with ivy, winter clematis and the bare, scrambling stems of rambling roses, and fences, neatly paneled or woven in willow."
ResponderEliminarSounds like an awesome place to be. Have a great day!
Just Books
What a great snippet for this week's theme. It fits perfectly. Sounds like a place where lots of things could happen!
That's a wonderful passage for the theme - and a great book too. Hope you're enjoying it.
ResponderEliminarI am having trouble posting today. If there are two post I am sorry. I think this choice was perfect! It is so descriptive I could see it in my mind. You did great!
ResponderEliminarHope you get to mine!
She must have really worked to keep the garden this way. Very apt snippet this week.